Welcome to Milestone Solarcom!!
Milestone solarcom - By the sun and its splendor.
You being here means that you are now one step closer to adopting clean and renewable energy!! Did you know that the sunlight that is incident on the earth's surface for just one hour can fulfill the earth's energy needs for a year? The best things in life are free and so is solar energy. Its time to start harnessing the limitless potential of the sun. Call us today for a free, comprehensive on site evaluation. We have a wide range of products and services such as solar power systems, solar water heating and solar street lighting and much more to choose from. We are here to provide you with renewable and sustainable solar energy solutions that are custom designed with the best technology and are engineered to be cost effective along with a dedicated support service system. Say good bye to powercuts and steep powerbills. Go solar today with Milestone Solarcom and save money and the environment by reducing your carbon foot print. Contact us today for a greener tomorrow..